Purchasing Process


Step 1: Order a share of beef

Interested in purchasing a side of Akaushi beef? Contact Blake with a call, text, or email to get the conversation started, or submit your information through our Order Inquiry Form (see Contact tab). We will get back to you to discuss any questions.

620-960-2543 | blakebergkamp@gmail.com

We price our beef based upon hanging weight; learn more about hanging weight in FAQs below.

Quarter beef: $4.50 per lb

Half or whole beef: $4.25 per lb

Step 2: Reserve your beef

A deposit is required to reserve your beef order.

Quarter beef: $150 deposit

Half beef: $250 deposit

Whole beef: $300 deposit

The deposit will be applied to the final hanging weight price. Once the deposit is received, the beef order will be reserved in your name at the meat locker.

Step 3: Beef processing

We schedule a delivery date with a local meat locker based upon when our animals will reach the appropriate processing weight.

During the week the animal is delivered to the meat locker, Blake will contact you to inform you of the remaining balance owed based upon the hanging weight.

At the meat locker, the beef will hang (dry age) a minimum of 14 days prior to processing. If you desire a 21-day or longer hanging time please let Blake know and he will work with the meat locker to determine if this can be arranged based upon their available locker space.


Step 4: Place your cutting order

During the two-week time period while the beef is dry aging, the meat locker will contact you directly to customize your cutting order. If you are new to custom beef ordering, or unsure how you would like your meat cut, no worries! Meat locker staff wants each consumer to be satisfied and can help answer any questions you may have.

Step 5: Pick up your beef

Once your beef has been packaged to your specifications, the meat locker will contact you to arrange pick up. Before the meat locker will allow you take your beef home, you must pay the meat locker the processing cost. Please refer to FAQs below for more information on consumer covering processing costs.

Step 6: Enjoy

Take your beef home and fill your freezer. Treat yourself, your family, and friends to some of the healthiest, best tasting, homegrown Kansas beef!



What is hanging weight?

Hanging weight is the weight of the animal carcass after has been field dressed but before it has been dry aged, cut, packaged, and frozen. The hanging weight of an animal carcass will be roughly 63% of its live weight.

  • On average, the hanging weight of our animals is around 850 lb

  • For a half beef, the hanging weight may be approximately 425 lb

  • For a quarter beef, the hanging weight may be approximately 212.5 lb

Why do you charge based upon hanging weight versus a flat rate price?

At the time of processing, each animal’s weight is slightly different. For this reason, we sell our beef by its hanging weight instead of a flat rate. At a flat rate price, one would pay the same amount for the beef whether the animal was 1,400 lb or 1,300 lb. This means the price per pound could be considerably different depending upon the size of the animal. Thus, we believe pricing based upon the hanging weight, instead of a flat rate, is the most reasonable way for you, the customer, to buy beef.

How many pounds of beef should I expect to take home?

Once the dry aged beef has been processed (bones and trimmings removed), the pounds of packaged beef will be approximately 55% of the hanging weight. This means:

  • For a whole beef, your take home pounds of meat will be approximately 850 lb x 0.55 = ~ 468 lb

  • For a half beef: 425 lb x 0.55 = ~ 234 lb

  • For a quarter beef: 212.5 x 0.55 = ~ 117 lb

How much freezer space do I need for a side of beef?

As a rule of thumb, 1 cu ft of freezer space will hold 20-25 lb of packaged beef.

  • A quarter beef weighing 110-130 lb may require about 5.0-7.0 cu ft

  • A half beef weighing 220-240 lb may require about 10.0-14.0 cu ft

  • A whole beef weighing 440-480 lb may require about 21.0-24.0 cu ft

How much are processing costs?

Processing costs are typically about $1.00 - $1.25 per pound and charged based upon hanging weight. Processing cost will fluctuate slightly depending upon the cutting order and how you prefer your beef packaged. The processing cost is paid in full directly to the meat locker at the time the customer picks up their meat order.

Other Resources

Cattle weight to pounds of meat ratio

Cuts of beef